  • ファイルサイズ: 3081 KB
  • 価格: $32
  • ダウンロード: 4
  • 作者: EuropeSoftwares
  • 説明:
    Internet browsing software that captures data defined by regular expressions contained in pages (e-mails, telephone, etc.). Very easy to use. Browse and the data is extracted automatically, all you have to do is save the list. International languages. This software is essential for carrying out e-mailing campaigns. International languages. This software is essential for carrying out e-mailing campaigns. This program was developed by the company EuropeSoftwares in the JAVA language and XML technology. It therefore requires Oracle's JAVA runtime to run on operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh and Solaris. International languages.
  • 無料ダウンロード
