  • ファイルサイズ: 148274 KB
  • 価格: $0
  • ダウンロード: 983
  • 作者: Nature Easy Soft Network Technology
  • 説明:
    Testing, Document, Release Management
    Based on but not Limited to Agile Development
    Flexible Project Management Software
    Functions Suit Various Scenarios
    Deploy it Privately or Use as SAAS
    Independent Framework and Highly Customizable
    Open Source Project Management Software
    Release under ZPL and open source
    Absolutely Free for Open Source Version
    Powerful Technical Support and No Worries
    Gantt Chart/Calendar/Worklog/Excel Import/Export/GIT/sUBVERSION/ldap/SMS Notification/Crystal Reports
    Know the Progress of the Whole Team
    Get Organization Dynamic from Worklog and Calendar
    Aquire Information from all Kinds of Reports
    Customize more Reports via Crystal Reports
  • 無料ダウンロード
