  • ファイルサイズ: 31392 KB
  • 価格: $29
  • ダウンロード: 669
  • 作者: Pixarra Inc
  • 説明:
    TwistedBrush Liquid Studio is a product born from TwistedBrush Pro Studio but with a focus on creation of individual objects that you might use in other Pro Studio or other art software and with a simpler, streamlined interface. The Liquid paints allow you to model and shape your objects and then paint them with the included brushes with the results being crisp lines you might see in illustration software but without the need to mask anything. You can even continue to shape your objects after they are painted.

    Quick auto hiding tool panels
    Quick Command panel providing configurable array of buttons
    Powerful brush effects system: over 500 different effects that can be combined in 28 effect layers with each effect processed with 100's of modifiers
    Layers with easy access support
    Extensive Tool Set
    64 bit color painting system for the smoothest blends available anywhere
    Worlds most powerful and flexible brush engine with the Pixarra brush effects system
    Automatic saving multiple copies of your work in progress
    Brush compatibility with other Pixarra Studio products
    Tracing paper to use as a guide
    Up to 9 floating reference Image panels to hold reference photos when working on your art
    Sketchbook system that automatically saves your work to your sketchbook
    Switching pages in your book with a single key press (Page Up or Page Down)
    Saving your work to a range of standard image formats
    Work with symmetry with all the standard Liquid Studio brushes

    Liquid Art Creation:
    Using the liquid shaping brushes push and pull your shape to get it closer to what you want. Similar to working with clay but in 2D.
    The Liquid smoothing brushes can be used to further refine the shape as well as smooth the edges.
    Using the collection of paint brushes included with Liquid Studio you are now ready to paint your shape. There is no need to mask or select, only the objects on the current layer will be painted and you will have a crisp edge to your object.
  • 無料ダウンロード
