  • ファイルサイズ: 5095 KB
  • 価格: $109.99
  • ダウンロード: 3
  • 作者: Webbusterz Engineering Software
  • 説明:
    General features including:
    + Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement.
    + Units converter includes 23 measurements units with 200-unit conversion
    + Add your own Nusselt correlation in three formats for using in calculations or use software correlations or enter your own value.
    + Calculate unknown Cold or Hot side temperature. Unknown exit temperatures on both sides or any two temperatures on both sides
    + Unknown Flow rate on either hot or cold side, or both sides if heat duty and temperatures are specified.
    + Pressure Drops for both shell and tube sides (frictional, inlet, outlet and total)
    + Overall heat transfer coefficients, heat transfer coefficients for shell and tube sides.
    + Area and heat load (duty) calculations
    + Support Core tube and Non-Core tube models
    + Vessel dimensions and length
    + Number of spiral turns for the helical tube and its length.
    + Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 fluids (Separate software included with full version, can be downloaded separately for demo); The physical properties software can also estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION METHODS CURRENTLY SUPPORT LIQUIDS ONLY)
    + User database feature to allow user to store own fluid properties, add/delete fluids, Tube geometric sizes. This can then easily loaded in any project simulation.
    + Fouling factors
    + Plot temperature profile for counter current flow and cocurrnet flow. detect temperature cross.
    + Export Results summary to Microsoft Excel Engineering Datasheet format. Save/Load results. Generate/Print a summary of results
    + Display multiple cases in results grid
    + Export Results summary to .rtf file format that can be opened in Microsoft Word
    Limitations in this software are to the following:
    + Single tube units, multi tubes are not supported.
  • 無料ダウンロード
